  • 會議論文


A Study of Taiwan Arts and Crafts Movement - SHUI-LONG YEN


顏水龍為台灣國寶級的本土畫家,1941 年留日時期「民藝運動」的薰陶,與張萬傳等人創立了「台灣造型美術協會」及「南亞工藝社」,啟發顏水龍對台灣本土生活美學的傳承,自創台灣味的工藝設計作品。顏水龍被譽為「有機知識份子-可以積極地為自己的社會群體擔任重要任務,包括負責技術性的「專家」任務,但又同時是「指揮者」,提供雄偉的、政治的視野」,他帶動美術與工藝運動,並提倡美術涵養及社會全民實作之活動。1950 年,台灣室內裝修啟蒙期間,在台中「太陽堂」大廳處,有著顏水龍極為著名的「向日葵」馬賽克拼貼壁畫設計。顏水龍的藝術繪畫之外,他也歷經台灣室內裝修啟蒙時期,經由工藝運動的介入,奠定台灣室內設計根基,初步代表早期台灣室內設計始祖。在「美術與工藝運動」文獻探討中,主題個別探討「美術與工藝運動」推廣者對社會的貢獻事蹟,大多研究英國威廉・莫里斯、日本柳宗悅的民藝運動及台灣工藝思想家顏水龍。鮮少研究英國「美術與工藝運動」先驅者-威廉・莫里斯、日本「民藝運動」之父-柳宗悅及台灣「工藝運動」-顏水龍之間的關聯,並對照出三者間的差異。本研究把三者分為四項-「工藝運動」背景、個人理念、作品特徵及教育傳授,作為該研究比較主軸。


Shui-Long Yen, the famous Taiwanese painter, is one of the national treasures. In 1941 when Japanese Folkart Movement was popular throughout Japan, with the influence, Yen and his countryman Wan-Chuan Chang had established "Taiwan Plastic Arts Association" and "South-Asia Arts and Crafts Society". This has enlightened Yen's Aesthetic notions which come from Taiwanese daily life, also, he had promoted and established the unique Taiwan-taste arts and crafts products. A renowned scholar has praised Yen as the organic intellectual pioneer who could play major missions in Taiwanese society, those missions are included: technical espriques, conductor, therefore, could provide grand, political visions." Thus, Shui-Long Yen had not only leaded Taiwanese Arts and Crafts Movement, but also, he promoted the activities of social practices by locals. In 1950s, Yen, the enlightener of Taiwan Interior Design, decorated the lobby of the famous bakery store "The Sun Pavilion", who put his famous mosaic collage artwork " The Sun Flower" on the wall. By this doing, in addition to an artistic project, Yen had also declared a new base of Interior Decoration. Throughout the review of the literatures regarding Arts and Crafts Movement, it is found that the majority of the researches mostly discussed individually. That means most scholars discussed Morris' Arts and Crafts Movements, Muneyoshi Yanagi 's Japanese Folk Arts, and Yen's Taiwanese arts and crafts Movenment, respectively. A comparative discussion among their relations is therefore lacked. Thus, the main aim of this discussion is aimed to compare those similarities and differences, in other words, a cross reference study among those three.
