  • 學位論文


A Study on the art of Traditional Architecture Color Paintings in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳元義教授


論文提要內容: 台灣傳統建築除了原住民建築之外,漢人大抵承襲了明末清初由大陸渡海來台的漢移民建築式樣,保持原鄉中國大陸南方的傳統,連匠師亦延聘自福建、廣東,材料也不辭辛勞多運自大陸,故建築物實際仍為閩、粵建築之延伸傳統建築。 台灣傳統建築寺廟、宗祠等之彩繪,不僅在於它是力與美的藝術表現。此種寺廟、宗祠彩繪,台灣人總將祖籍來源、身份地位、倫常觀念、教育信念、宗教信仰、願景期望、生活習慣等,轉化散布於寺廟、宗祠等建築的每個角落。隨著時空的推移,與外來異文化的進入,再加上本土地理環境因素影響,逐漸形成獨具台灣特色的地域性建築彩繪,而更豐富了建築形式的內涵。所以我們可以輕易的由建築外觀及整體表現,解讀出人文與地理環境的背景因素及審美情趣。 本研究共分六章,主要研究方法採文獻與相關資料收集法、田野調查法、訪談藝師調查法等,擬定的研究方向,針對以下四點,做一個完整詳實探討研究: 一、台灣傳統彩繪呈現藝術研究:以台灣傳統建築北部、中部、南部寺廟宗祠重點場所門神畫、壁堵畫、樑枋畫所展現特色做為研究。 二、台灣傳統建築彩繪傑出藝師:有關藝師的習畫背景及傳承歷程、傑出表現、作品風格比較等做為研究。 三、台灣傳統建築彩繪藝術製作分析 。 四、台灣傳統建築彩繪藝術結論:台灣傳統建築彩繪藝術彩繪作品比較,藝師彩繪風格比較,結語與建議(建議對台灣傳統建築彩繪藝術的重視,…等等)。 關鍵字:台灣傳統建築彩繪藝術、門神彩繪、壁堵彩繪、樑枋彩繪。


Abstract In addition to the aboriginal architecture, traditional architecture in Taiwan maintained the tradition of south China and almost inherited the architectural style of immigrants who crossed the sea from China in the Last Ming and early Ching Dynasties. Even craftsmen were also hired from Fukien and Canton, and the materials were painstakingly transported from China, too. Therefore, the architecture is actually still an extension of traditional Fukien and Canton buildings. Traditional architecture in Taiwan such as temples and ancestral temples whose color paintings were not only the artistic representations of strength and beauty but also source of ancestor, status, concept of ethics, faith of education, religious beliefs, visions, habits, etc. Taiwanese always transformed and put these representations into every corner of building like temples and ancestral temples. Along with the passage of time, the entry of foreign cultures and the local geographical environment factors, it gradually formed the unique characteristics of Taiwan regional architecture painting and enriched the cultivation of the architectural forms. Consequently, we can easily infer the background of cultural and geographical environment and the host by exterior of the building and the overall performance. This paper is divided into six Chapters. The main research methods that we adopt are collecting related documents and data, investigation of field, interviewing with craftsmen, etc. In this study we do a complete research for the following four points: 1. A study on the art of traditional color paintings presented in Taiwan: This thesis researched into characteristics that presented by main gates paintings, wall paintings, and beam paintings in northern, central, and southern Taiwan’s temples and ancestral temples. 2. Outstanding craftsmen of traditional architecture color paintings in Taiwan: We researched into craftsmen about the background of learning painting, the process of passing down, outstanding performance, comparing work style, etc. 3. Analysis of manufacture for the art of traditional architecture Color Paintings in Taiwan. 4. Conclusion of traditional architecture Color Paintings art in Taiwan: compare the works of traditional architecture color paintings art in Taiwan, compare the color paintings style of craftsmen, and conclusion and suggestion (We suggested that we needed to value, maintain, etc. to the art of traditional architecture color paintings in Taiwan.) Key Words: The art of Traditional Architecture Color Paintings, Main Gates ColorPaintings, Wall ColorPainting, Beam Color Paintings


吳佳蓉 2010 《宜蘭曾氏家族彩繪研究》國 立台北藝術大學/傳統藝術研究所碩士論文。
蔡文卿 2003 《台南市大天后宮廟宇彩繪之研究》 屏東師範學院/視覺藝術教育研究所碩士論文。
