  • 期刊


以在地為焦點的日語寫作輔導之教育效果|Educational Effects of Japanese Writing Instruction Focused on Local Area




近年來,地方創生已成為台灣社會關注的議題,國內各大學在重視對這方面做出貢獻,也須落實大學社會責任(USR)。但較多學生不是本地人的情況下,讓學生如何了解到本地也成為重要議題。本研究探討於本系〈日語寫作(三)〉課程所實踐之以在地為焦點的日語寫作輔導之教育效果。本課程採用過程寫作法及專案導向學習進行輔導,對象為具備中上級日語能力之25名學生。本研究以於學期初與學期末執行的問卷調查進行量化分析,以學習單進行學習過程的質性分析。結果獲知;選修學生評估,透過課程,在寫作技巧、文章構成能力、一般日語能力、日語電腦輸入能力、論述力等之各方面有進步。雖然對本地的好感度在統計學上變化無顯著,但過半數學生對本地的看法有所改變,其原因為透過課程認識屏東市的歷史與歷史遺構的存在,學習到屏東的社會問題,發現屏東市的城市發展等。對學習單的分析表明,學習單、學習上的任務以及教師反饋帶來了學生知識建構性及社會建構性學習,促進了深度學習。於課程裡學生撰寫的優秀作品於本學系網站已向全球公開,可以用日文提供本地訊息。地方創生是以對在地的認知為出發點,本課程的教學模式不僅是對日語教學,還對人才培育有效,也可能成為地方創生的助力。|Recently, regional revitalization has become a topic of concern in Taiwan. Many universities are focusing on fulfilling their University Social Responsibility from this aspect. However, when many students are not locals, how teachers help students to understand the local area of their university and how they develop human resources who can contribute to this goal is an important issue. This study explores the educational effects of the Japanese writing instruction focused on local area. Process Writing and Project-Based Learning were employed as the instruction methods. Main data were collected from questionnaires conducted at the beginning and end of the semester to 25 intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese. Analysis of the questionnaires revealed that the students evaluated that they acquired a wide variety of skills and abilities, such as sentence composition ability, general Japanese proficiency, computer input skill, and the way of argument in Japanese etc., and a half of them changed their views on the local city. This is because they learned the history and the existence of historical heritages, social issues, and development of the city. Analysis of the worksheets that they submitted to the teacher revealed that they made progress in two types of constructive learning; knowledge constructive learning and social constructive learning.
