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The Social Work under the Pandemic of COVID-19: The Approach to the Influence of Public Health Governance Policy on Medical Social Work




Due to the severe pandemic of COVID-19 in resent years, the government has adopted several public health governance policies to prevent from spreading the highly-contagious COVID-19. Furthermore, the Central Epidemic Command Center has implemented the nationwide Level 3 Alert for COVID-19 on May 28, 2021. In order to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the practice of medical social work, the study conducts in-depth interviews with medical social workers based on qualitative research approach. In this study, we interviewed seven medical social workers to profile the difficulties in clinical practice. The research found that the impacts of COVID-19. First, the problems patients and their family faced are severe financial deficits due to the pandemic, the living arrangement for the families in need of care , the restriction of medical decision making and consensus, the dilemma between humanity visit and isolation policy, and the inconsistency of community care resources. Second, on the problems social workers faced include the constantly changing assessment methodology, piled up compassion fatigue, the conflict between health administer policy and placement system. Lastly for the hospital system, the difficulties are increasing demand of trans-department communication about cross-cabin system and loading management of volunteer resources. Research results indicated that the increasing unemployment problem in pandemic era, reformulation of the standard of subsidy examination, community placement and care issues, the impact of anti-virus policies in hospitals, and the ethical adjustment regarding responses from social work department. Research suggestions include the redefinition of social safety network, the clarification of medical social work ethics, and the justice of medical resources distribution in post-pandemic era for the future medical work.


Robert,K.(2020).Risk factors and effects of the morbus: COVID-19 through thebiopsychosocial model and ecological systems approach to social work practice. SocialWork in Publc Health,36(2),98-117.https://doi.org/10.1080/19371918.2020.1859035.
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