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A Primary Study on the Experiences of Dealing with Care Issues in Hospitals




In the practice of medical social work, treatment plans for bedside care have gradually become essential because family types and demographic structure are transforming. This trend brings challenges such as recognizing care needs, developing needs assessment indicators and considering resource arrangement. This article reviews the four types of needs: normative need, felt need, expressed need and comparative need. Based on that, three aspects of patients' care need assessment have been developed: (1) the patient's physical, mental condition and self-care ability, which rely mainly on the evaluation of medical staff; (2) caring ability of family caregivers, including the family members, their willingness to care and skills for care; (3) other special conditions, such as domestic violence, palliative care or respite care services, which need to be considered. Furthermore, the treatment plans and resource linking of care needs are also discussed. Medical social workers help clients deal with healthcare concerns, connect patients with the resources such as the government, various foundations, and charities. There are still many challenges in assessments or treatments. In terms of needs assessment, the evaluation of caregiver's ability and willingness by different medical teams might be inconsistent. There are also limits on the amount of government and non-government resources. In addition to taking the initiative to work with the family, social workers should value the communication with the medical team. This article illustrates above three topics with cases in order to present the contexts, and propose intervention strategies based on practical experience.


