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Influence of attention and stress on natural and geometric style gardens



People prefer natural landscapes rather than urban or man-made landscapes, because the former features positive psychological effects and restores health. Garden-styled related studies have revealed that compared with dry landscape gardens, geometric gardens, which primarily contain green plants, evoke positive emotions. However, in-depth studies on artificially pruned geometric gardens have rarely been conducted. Therefore, this study purpose is investigated whether people prefer artificially pruned gardens or natural gardens. English and French-styled gardens were viewed as natural and geometric gardens, respectively. Each garden group contained 60 participants for a total of 120 participants. Each participant was asked to view garden photos and measure their physiological (attention and relaxation) and psychological (state anxiety) responses. The results showed that concerning physiology, both styled gardens significantly changed the participants' attention; however, no significant changes in relaxation. In psychology, both styled gardens significantly reduced the participants' stress. The results of this study offer an insight into people's responses to natural and artificially made natural environments and may be referred to when planning and designing parks or gardens in the future.


人們偏好於自然景觀,且有正面心理效益及恢復健康的影響。然而在庭園風格研究中發現,觀看綠色植栽為主之幾何式庭園較枯山水庭園具有引發較多正向情緒,而過去鮮少研究針對經過人為修剪的幾何式庭園做深入探討。因此,本研究目的為探討自然式與幾何式庭園對受測者之生心理影響。將受測者分為英式(自然)和法式(幾何)庭園兩組,每組共收集60位,共獲得120位受測者。藉由每位受測者觀看庭園圖片,來檢視腦波訊號功率的變化情形。本研究使用美國NeuroSky公司的頭帶式腦波儀(MindBand)蒐集受測者之腦波訊息,包括注意力和放鬆程度,並填寫狀態焦慮量表(State Anxiety Inventory,SAI)來比較兩種庭園對受測者的壓力減輕之差異。結果顯示,在生理部分,英式庭園與法式庭園在注意力方面都有顯著差異,在放鬆程度方面則未達顯著差異,在心理部分,不同庭園風格對壓力均有顯著差異。本研究結果期能瞭解人們對於自然形式或人工形式的自然環境有更深的認識,並在未來實務上能運用至公園或庭園形式的規劃和設計層面。


自然庭園 幾何庭園 腦波 注意力恢復


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