  • 期刊


The existing individual: Kierkegaard's path to faith


This essay examines the meaning of "the existing individual" in Soren Kierkegaard: the spiritual character, the relation to self, the isolation from the crowd, the truth of subjectivity, the irrational existence, the free choice, etc. For Kierkegaard, these characteristics of an "individual" rest on the individual's own recognition of God. The existing individual finally achieves the subjective truth and the individual faith. The significance of Kierkegaard lies in his first overall exploration into "the existing individual". Appealing to human's existence and the life experience in the world, Kierkegaard's individual as well as individual faith is an authentic comprehension of "being", We might consider it in the ontological sense. On the other hand, Kierkegaard concerns himself mainly with the meaning of individual existence and the problem of individual choice of life stages. His "individual" is also existential in the ethical-religious sense: This twofold sense of Kierkegaard's "the existing individual" inspires many later philosophers and theologians and has great influence on existential philosophy and Christian thought in the 20th century.


