  • 期刊


To Achieve Unification Because of Difference - the Role Played by Xin Xue in the Cultural Communication between China and the West in Ming and Qing Dynasty


Xin Xue played an important role in the cultural communication between China and the West in late Ming and early Qing dynasty. On the one hand, Matteo Ricci's missionary strategy, from being made to being fixed, related to Xin Xue. On the other hand, it is in the course of developing the advantages and discarding the disadvantages of Xin Xue that many Confucians accepted "Xi Xue" (science and other western culture), and even be converted. This thesis focuses on these Confucians and chooses Xu GuangQi as the main case, analyzing their attitude and deeds when they met western science and religion. I call this phenomenon "to achieve unification through difference". Furthermore, I conclude that "Xin Xue" is the reason of their attitude and deeds.


