  • 期刊


Typology as a Method of Theological Studies: Comment on Typologies of Ecclesiology in Modern Protestant Theology




類型學 理念型 李駿康 教會論


The book by Li Chun Hong, Typologies of Ecclesiology in Modern Protestant Theology, makes use of "typology" as theological method. This article not only points out some disadvantages of this book but also discuss typological method of sociology and archaeology to show how to use it in theological research. Typological method aims at interpreting the causal relations of social acts and it expresses the intentional meaning of the agent. These social acts include the historical dimension and area specificity. Furthermore, typology, as a theological method, can draw out the correlation between the context of the real church, which is the practice of the church, and the intention behind the social behavior, which is theology. And this method also provides resources from the tradition of Christian thought to the practice of the church. In addition, this book categorizes three kinds of typologies of ecclesiology: first, the liberal type including F. D. E. Schleiermacher and Paul Tillich; second, the confessed type including Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas; third, subversive type including Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Graham Ward. This article, however, shows the two disadvantages of this book comparing to the sociological and archaeological typology. First, the author did not explain the principles to categorize these theological thoughts. Why did the author make use of these types to categorize these theologians? Second, the author did not explain the relations between modem theologians he wrote and the context of the Chinese church. Why did he choose Barth, Moltmann and Hauerwas to represent ecclesiological theologians of Chinese confessed church? Which kinds of causal relations exist between these Western theologians and church in Chinese context?


Typology Idea Type Li Chun Hong Ecclesiology
