  • 期刊


Christianity and Chinese Culture




基督教 儒教 中國文化 當代中國


One of the manifestations of the "nation-statism" in today's China is the confrontational mentality of many intellectuals on the relationship between Christianity and Chinese culture. They talk about the relationship just as a conflict between Western culture and Chinese culture, or as a strife between Christianity and Confucianism as a religion. This paper, firstly, argues against the two views on the basis of conceptual analysis; secondly, refutes the talks that "Christianity entered China on the back of cannon" and "western missionaries were just accomplice of opium smugglers" on the basis of historical facts, showing that Christian mission in China on the whole is a peaceful transmission of a religion and exchange of cultures, and it contributes a lot to the modem development of Chinese culture. Lastly, the author points out that Christianity, as a world religion, holds an affirmative as well as critical attitude toward various national cultures. Chinese culture is a complex of diversified and different elements, so the relationship with Christianity is a rich and dialectical one. Christians should take different attitudes toward different elements in the culture - rational as well as respectful toward ancient schools in order to be beneficial to the present; friendly and dialogical toward traditional religions in order to co-exist peacefully; careful and critical toward contemporary currents in order to help improve them.
