  • 期刊


"Between Love and Hatred": Pacifism, Gospel Texts and Images of Jesus in the Writings of Y. T. Wu, 1918-1948




The idea of pacifism, which Y. T. Wu, a famous Christian Intellectual in Republican China, stuck to for at least 20 years, ha s been dealt with in the previous scholarship on hi s life and thought. The less-attended question concerning pacifism, however, is how Wu's understanding, interpretation and use of various Gospel texts in different periods influence his images of Jesus. This article, taking "reception history of the Bible" as its approach, investigates this question in light of Wu's life and the political contexts in which he lived from 1918 to 1948 in the following three dimensions: (1) Jesus' love and non-violence; (2) Jesus' hatred of sins as well as his view on th e necessity of class struggle (jieji douzheng) , revolution (geming) and even violence (wuli) in pursuit of justice; and (3) Jesus' hatred of sinners. Firstly, Wu from late 1910s until late 1930s firmly believed that the most significant image of Jesus was his love and non-violence reflected most obviously in the Sermon on the Mount recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. And even the deterioration of Sino-Japanese relation in the 1930s did not totally sway him from this perception. Secondly, expressed in the writings of Wu in the 1920s and 1930s, Jesus who loved also hated sins (rather than sinners yet); and even though Jesus preferred non-violence, he also advocated the so-called non-violent struggle and revolution for the sake of justice and love. There were some sayings of Jesus from the Gospels interpreted by Wu to justify the above assertions, such as "I have come to send fire on the earth" and "I have come to give... division". Since late 1930s, the periscope of Jesus' cleansing of the temple in the Gospels came to be used for demonstrating a violence that Jesus, under some circumstances, also exerted. And this image was able to co-exist with that of the non-violent Jesus in Wu's mind. Thirdly, from 1939 onward, Wu's image of Jesus who only hated sins gradually evolved into one who hated sinners as well. This was persuasively argued for in his debate with Margaret H. Brown, a Canadian missionary in China, in 1948. Nonetheless, even at that time Wu still insisted that Jesus only hated the "reality" of sinners but loved their "potentiality". On the whole, Wu's images of Jesus from 1918-1948 were constantly "between love and hatred".


Y. T. Wu Pacifism Gospel Texts Images of Jesus
