  • 期刊


Early 20th Century Chinese Christian-Marxist Dialogue: A Case Study on Zhang Shizhang (Hottinger S. C. Chang)




Zhang Shizhang (Hottinger S.C. Chang, 1896-?) was an anarchist turned Christian, during the early Chinese Republic Era. It was from this unique social context of his times, that Zhang proposed his famous proposition of "Jesusism" - a branch of Chinese Christian socialism. Through writing Jesus' biography, and his projection of Jesus as a social liberator, Zhang appropriates Jesus' parables as a representation of a unique kind of Christian socialism. The core of Zhang's new social representation of Jesus teachings is a subversive notion, which goes against the overwhelming Capitalism and Imperialism of his times. Zhang's Jesusism is a product of active Christian-Marxist dialogue, which reflects the dialectic nature and revolutionary aspects of Christianity. Jesusism is indeed one of the most innovative branches of Chinese Christian Socialism during the Republic Era.
