  • 期刊

「友善接納」倫理與教育:J. Derrida的觀點

Hospitality Ethics and Education: J. Derrida's Perspective


面對全球人口流動與普世社會發展,我們的社會應當及早發展一種接納外來者的新倫理與文化。J. Derrida的「友善接納」倫理思想正足以提供這種倫理、文化之觀念基礎。Derrida的哲學一貫主張接納與歡迎差異,早期他本著這一立場致力於「解構」西方哲學傳統的思維結構;晚期則提倡「友善接納」倫理觀,呼籲人們歡迎與接納外來者、他者、陌生人。Derrida提出一種「無條件友善接納」理想對比於「有條件接納」的實際制度措施,他呼籲人們秉持「無條件友善接納」理想不斷批判現實制度,以推動制度的「改善」。Derrida的「友善接納」深具理想與批判精神,可以引導我們開展「友善接納」教育,為社會未來發展「友善接納」文化奠定基礎。


Derrida 友善接納 解構


In the age of international migration, it is necessary for our society to develop new ethics and culture of welcoming expatriates, immigrants, and other foreigners. Jacques Derrida's thought of hospitality could provide fundamentals for such kind of ethics and culture. The first principle of Derrida's philosophy is the reception of the different. At first, Derrida managed to deconstruct the structured genealogy of philosophical concepts, so as to create a space for different thoughts. In his late career, Derrida proposed the idea of hospitality, appealing for welcoming foreigners and all people from other societies. He propounded an ideal of unconditional hospitality in contrast to laws of conditional hospitality, which refer to actual treatment of foreigners. He encouraged people to insist on the ideal of unconditional hospitality and criticize the weakness of actual practice. The principles that Derrida suggested could help us develop an education of hospitality as the gateway to a hospitable society.


Derrida hospitality deconstruction


Derrida, J.,P. -A. Brault (Trans.),M. Nasa (Trans.)(1999).Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas.Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press.
Derrida, J.,E. Rottenberg (Ed.,Trans.)(2002).Negotiations: Interventions and interviews, 1971-2001.Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press.
Derrida, J.,G. Anidjar (Ed.,Trans.)(2002).Acts of religion.New York:Routledge.
Derrida, J.,T. Dutoit (Ed.),D. Wood (Trans.)(1995).On the name.Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press.
Kant, I.,H. S. Reiss (Ed./Trans.)(1991).Kant: Political writings.Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University.
