  • 期刊


Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Situs Inversus with Single Ventricle- Case Report


本文為器官異位合併單心室症(Dextrocardia with single ventricle)病人執行心肌血流灌注造影(Myocardial perfusion imaging)之個案報告。器官異位病人執行心肌血流灌注造影並不多見。一般而言在造影技術上需調整掃描範圍,由常規之逆時鐘右前斜位45 度掃描至左後斜位45 度需調整為逆時鐘自右後斜位45 度掃描至左前斜位45 度。器官異位合併單心室病人具有潛在性心肌缺血、心室肥大及心臟衰竭風險,因而於注射血管擴張劑時應全程謹慎小心,密切監控執行。本文提出之經驗分享供同業先進參考。


This is a case report of myocardial perfusion imaging on dextrocardia patient with single ventricle. It is rare of myocardial perfusion imaging for dextrocardia patient. By modifying the SPECT scanning angle could solve this situation. We set the scan starting angle at RPO 45° and ending angle at LAO 45° for this case. Because of dextrocardia patient with single ventricle possess potential risk of myocardial ischemia, ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure. Therefore close monitoring vital sign is necessary when Dipyridamol be injected. We address this case report to the same trade for commenting.
