  • 期刊


Study on Real Estate of Catholic Missions in China (1844-1949)


天主教傳教活動的最終目的,在於建立長久性的當地教徒團體。為了使傳教活動獲得穩定發展,傳教士必須建立一活動根據地,是以,傳教活動的房地產租購問題是此學術領域中最基本,也是最重要的議題之一。本研究鎖定1844 至1949 年間探討在華天主教傳教士租購房地產之方式和引發之問題。在結構安排上,先以明末利瑪竇等耶穌會士如何尋得房舍居留中國,再論及清季禁教時期之情況,以做為本文開端。隨後,1844 年中法黃埔條約簽訂開始至清朝覆亡為止數條中法協議,以及清廷相關行政命令成為法源,確立了傳教士租購房地產原則,即土地「永租」制度。民國成立後,筆者將相關案件配合中國所處之時代背景加以分析,歸納出影響房地產問題演變與發展的四項問題焦點:法令所產生之阻礙、教產之所有人、國籍之認定,以及申請國籍教區法人資格可能性。歸結本議題在民國時期的演變過程中,核心問題在於民初的民族主義浪潮,影響了政治領導人對中國天主教會發展的看法與期待,使國府在中國教會本地化發展的過程中佔有重要地位,也發揮了不可忽略的影響。


Focusing on the period of reference from 1844 to 1949, this study spotlights on the ways of how the Catholic missionaries rented and purchased real properties in China and problems they raised up afterwards. The study is chronologically structured as below: firstly it started from how the missionaries found residences in China from the very beginning of their stay since the end of the 16th century, throughout the period of prohibition of Christianity until the first half of the 19th century. Secondly, the signing of Sino-French Treaty of Huangpu (1844) and other agreements between these two powers, as well as the administrative directives of the Qing authorities, became sources of juridical principles that were confirmed as references for the missionaries to follow while purchasing and renting real estate. We related some cases during the Republic era and analyzed them in their contemporary context in Chinese society. Four key elements which influenced the evolution of this issue are inducted from our study: the obstacles caused by juridical regulations, the problem of defining the owner and the nationality of properties of Catholic missions, and the possibility of creating a juridical person for the dioceses run by Chinese bishops. To sum up the evolution of this issue during the Republic era, we found that its core resided in the growth of Chinese nationalism since the first years of the Republic and its influences on political leaders’ attitude and expectations towards the development of the Chinese Catholic Church. This factor led to the result where the Nationalist government played an important role and exercised significant influence on the inculturation of the Chinese Catholic Church.
