  • 期刊


Saving Inner Nature (xing 性) and Vital Force (ming 命) and the Dual Cultivation of Sacred and Secular (sheng fan shuangxing 聖凡雙修): Yiguan Dao's Concept of Entering the World as Self-Cultivation




一貫道 修性 修命 聖凡雙修


This paper, from the perspectives of Yiguan Dao’s teachings regarding saving ming and xing, as well as the self-cultivation concept of the dual cultivation of the sacred and secular, discusses their concept of entering the world as self-cultivation As for the idea of saving ming, Yiguan Dao, in its idea of "utilizing falsities to cultivate perfection" (jiejia xiuzhen 借假修真), settles the individual’s life and ming and also settles the life and ming of those who have suffered misfortune. By exerting efforts and exhorting people to do good, members cultivate the self and leave things to fate. Benevolent relief efforts settle the self and establish a member’s ming. Propagating the teachings to enlighten, saves others and cultivates one’s ming. These and other external efforts actualize this concept. "Seeking the Dao" is the fundamental threshold of Yiguan Dao’s saving xing. After seeking the Dao, one cultivates and upholds it, preserving the heavenly principals. One goes to others, desiring them to release their heart-mind for a duration and sincerely and vigorously practice the Ten Great Vows (shi tiao dayuan 十條大愿) and the internal art of cultivating and upholding the mysterious pass (xuanguan 玄關). In this way, they will certainly attain a return to the origin and cast off life and death. Yiguan Dao gives precedence to entering the world as self-cultivation, thus for the necessities of secular life, all members are self-sufficient. Therefore, Yiguan Dao stresses a concept of cultivation practice known as "the dual cultivation of secular and secular," that propagates one aspect of cultivating the Dao, and another as a cultivation practice method that is half sacred, half secular in pursuing one's livelihood. This causes people to act according to their position, does not hinder the operations of society and industry, and upholds ethical relations in the basic functions of society. In addition, it explicates ideas of entering the world as cultivation practice: "everyone can practice self-cultivation," "any time one can practice self-cultivation," and "everywhere is a place of self-cultivation."


《尚書》,臺北:藝文印書館,1989 年,十三經注疏本。
《易經》,臺北:藝文印書館,1989 年,十三經注疏本。
《叮嚀心語》:http://fycdkm.org/chinese/CHINESE/101TEACHINGS/11-20.html,2013 年11 月19 日讀取。
「武進崇華堂慈善會會員證章」古董拍賣網址:http://web139.997788.com/pr/detail_143_17402258.html;http://www.gucn.com/Service_CurioStall_Show.asp?Id=7256176,2013 年11 月19 日讀取。
