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Spreading Religious Teachings through Text or the Body? Some Thoughts on the Study of Goddesses: The Example of Mazu 媽祖 Beliefs




女神 文字 身體 媽祖 宗教理論


The distinctions between institutionalized religions and local religions can be discussed from many angles; one of these is the difference in the medium used to spread religious teachings. Institutionalized religions rely, to a great extent, on the medium of text and scripture, as well as clergy members to interpret those texts, which, in turn, standardizes doctrine and ritual and solidifies the authority of the church. However, rigid, systematized rituals and authority cause adherents to gradually lose their sense of immediate comprehension and experience of the divine. On the other hand, local religions, by being intimately tied to the multitudes of people who lack institutional power 在野庶民, involve more diverse and disordered beliefs, yet adherents' experiences and perceptions of the divine remain more lively and immediate. When the state granted Mazu the title of Empress of Heaven (Tianhou 天后), she then came under the auspices of state Daoism (i.e. institutionalized religion). Though many local goddesses were also absorbed into the same system as Mazu (or Lin Moniang 林默娘), there were still the continuous appearances of lesser local goddesses, who transmitted religious teachings through divine manifestations, either in their deeds or divination. Texts or scriptures were never part of these goddesses' appeal; the body was their primary medium of dissemination. Thus, this paper discusses the differences between transmitting religious teachings through text and the body, as well as the social effects of these means.


goddess text body Mazu媽祖 theory of religion


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