  • 期刊


Tradition and Adaptation: A Preliminary Investigation of the Numinous Treasure Daoist Altars in Tainan 臺南 through Historical Review and Fieldwork




The Lingbao Daoist altars of Tainan are incredibly well-known and influential in Taiwan, but scholars have primarily focused on those within the city, often neglecting other important altars beyond. Thus, this paper presents a general survey of Daoist altars in the Tainan area in an attempt to establish their basic features and the variations among them. We can understand the general conditions and historical changes of these altars from three perspectives. First, examining the transmission and spread of teachings among Daoist professional groups and important altars, as well as the distribution of these altars and their systems of transmission during different time periods, allows us to see how the power and influence of particular altars expanded and how they confronted modern society. Because of personal relationships and social networks, the altars have been able to adapt to new professional environments after breaking beyond the bounds of particular professional groups. Second, by exploring liturgical performances and the changes made to them, those brought about through both the interplay of internal forces and as a response to external social changes, we can understand how Daoists instituted changes to the forms of minor rites and merit rituals, while also cutting back on their performance, in efforts to better answer the patterns of modern life. In addition, we better grasp the altars’ need to revise their rituals and modes of operation. The discussion also entails a consideration of well-known Daoist priests (gaogong 高功, lit. "[Masters] of High Merit") and their altars throughout different generations that influenced Daoism in Taiwan. Finally, from the perspectives of transmitting ritual methods and bestowing ritual office through ordination (zouzhi 奏職), two interrelated systems, we can discuss several aspects concerning Daoist priests and altars: their methods of study; the ways they garner the recognition of other Daoists and society; "intimate" and "distant transmission" (chuanqin 傳親 and yuanqin 遠傳), two traditional strategies of transmission; systems for forming alliances; and how they respond accordingly to the changes of modern society.


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李豐楙,2001,〈鹿港施姓道壇與泉籍聚落〉,《臺灣文獻》,52:2,頁 11-28。
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