  • 期刊


Metaphorical Codes of Zhu-Qian/ Hsinchu: Local Consciousness and Local Writing in "Time-Space" Structure


本文將具有新竹背景之作家的「地方經驗」視為一個問題意識,意在探討經由如何的歷史與知識背景,使「地方經驗」成為可能,進而造就「地方意識」的特質。爰此,「被描述的地方」,也將引向一種方法論的學術視域,亦即「竹塹」一詞作為歷史襲用性的地方符碼,其所具有從傳統到現代社會區域文化特質的隱喻性及其關鍵性為何?立基於「理解地方的關鍵成分是身體移動性(bodily mobility),而不是根著和真實性」的論點,本文因擬以具有「流動」性而非「釘根」於竹塹鄉土的作家群,作為觀察對象。並依歷史時序為軸線,概分為日治、戰後兩階段,如日治時期魏清德、吳濁流、龍瑛宗等鄉土書寫及地誌文史敘事;戰後迄今的新竹書寫,如李歐梵、張系國、愛亞等地方記憶感懷諸作,以及徐仁修和陳銘磻等地方日常與行遊踏查寫作等,作為參差對照之討論重點。


竹塹 鄉土 移動 地方意識 地方文學


This essay regards the "local experience" of writers with Hsinchu background as a problem awareness, and also to explore how does "local experience" makes possible through the historical and knowledge background, and then create the features of "local consciousness". Therefore, the "described place" will also lead to a methodological academic perspective, the term "Zhu-Qian" as a historical and functional local code. What are the metaphorical and critical characteristics of regional culture from traditional to modern society? Based on the argument "the key factor to comprehend local place is bodily mobility instead of root and authenticity", this paper intends to focus on the writers who are "mobile" rather than "rooted" in Zhu-Qian and it takes the historical time sequence as the axis, which can be divided into the Japanese period and the post-war period, local history and historic essays of Wei Ching De, Wu Zhuo Liu and Lung Ying Tsung during the Japanese period. it focuses on Zhu-Qian/ Hsinchu writing after the war to the present, such as local writing of memory of Lee Ou Fan, Chang Shi Kuo and Ai Ya, and Hsu Ren Hsiu and Chen Ming Pan's daily and travel inspection writings are the focus of the discussion.


*吳濁流著,鍾肇政譯:《無花果》,臺北:前衛出版社,1988。Wu Chuo Liu, Wu Hua Guo [Common Fig] trans. by Chung Chao Cheng (Taipei: Avanguard Books, 1988).
*吳濁流著,呂興昌審訂,黃哲永主編:《濁流千草集》,臺北:龍文出版社,2006。Wu Chuo-Liu, Zhuo Liu Qian Cao Ji [Zhuoliu’s Thousand Poems] authorize by Lu Hsin Chang, ed. By Huang Che Yung, (Taipei County: Lung Wen Press, 2006).
