  • 期刊


The Position, Methods, and Status of the Kyushu Kamei Family's Research on the "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" - Through a Critique of Du Yu's Interpretation of "Zuo Zhuan.Yin Gong"




This article focuses on the 107 justifications of Kamei Nanmei's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" (Yin Gong) of the Kobunji school of Confucianism in Edo-Kyushu, which refute the commentary of Du Yu. The study focuses on Kamei's position and method of interpreting the Classics in "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan", and tries to examine the specific methods of interpreting the Classics are adopted by him. What is the underlying rationale for the development of the ancient Edo school of sutra interpretation, and what kind of classical knowledge and Confucian cognition underlies this cognition? Finally, this paper will point out the position of Kimon's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan". According to the study of this paper, Kimon's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" advocates that "Chun Qiu" should be interpreted as "Confucianism", while "Zuo Zhuan" is not contrary to Confucianism. "Zuo Zhuan" is not back to Kongmen (Confucius), and cannot be sought. On the other hand, the method of interpreting "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" by Kimon has five main features, but the most meaningful is the method of interpreting the sutras with "missing doubts", which is inherited from Sorai Kobunji, but also corrects its shortcomings. Kimon's "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan" is a compromise between the Kogi school of Ren Zai and the Kobunji school of Feedback. Kobunji studies is just a "reflection" of the surface of Kimon studies.


春秋・左丘明撰,晉・杜預集解,唐・孔穎達正義:《春秋左氏經傳集解》,臺北:藝文印書館,1985。[Chun Chiu] Zuo Qiu Ming [Jin] Du Yu [Tang] Kong Ying Da, Chuan Qiu Zuo Shi Zhuan Jing Zhuan Ji Jie [The Collection of Interpretation on Chuan Qiu Zuo Zhuan] (Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 1985)
宋・朱熹:《楚辭集注》,收入朱傑人、嚴佐之、劉永翔主編:《朱子全書》第 19 冊,上海:上海古籍出版社;合肥:安徽教育出版社,2010。
清・馮李驊、清・陸浩評輯:《左繡》,清康熙 59 年(1720)書業堂刊本。
﹝日﹞安井息軒:《左傳輯釋》,彥根(今滋賀縣):彥根藩學校,1871。Yasui Sokken, Saden Shuushaku [The Collection of Comentaries on Zuo Zhuan], (Hikone/Shigaken: Hikone Han School, 1871).
