  • 期刊


The Estimation of Carbon Emissions of Taiwanese Snack- a Case of Fried Chicken Cutlet


台灣的夜市聚集多樣的小吃,一直是遊客的最愛。而在小吃餐飲種類中,雞排又屬於國人所喜好的平價美食。因此本研究以國民美食雞排,作為研究對象,並以國內頗負盛名的觀光型夜市-逢甲夜市及在地型夜市-朴子夜市,作為採樣樣區,盤查其從食材生產、運輸、製作、棄置等不同階段所產生之二氧化碳排放當量。研究結果發現,一份雞排平均重量270公克,單純以油炸方式生產之炸雞排,估計二氧化碳排放當量平均值為0.532 kgCO_2e,若油炸後再碳烤,使用瓦斯碳烤之雞排產生0.619 kgCO_2e,至於使用木炭之碳烤雞排則可高達1.310 kgCO_2e;在不同口味方面,椒麻雞排之碳排潛勢為0.623 kgCO_2e,起司雞排0.709 kgCO_2e。從每單位金額花費來看,雞排每一元新臺幣之消費,貢獻約8~18gCO_2e;從生命週期觀點來看雞排產製發現,除了以木炭炭烤雞排,其餘樣式雞排之碳排放量主要來自食材之生產過程(75~83%),再來分別是料理過程之能源燃料(10~13%)、運輸佔5~6%、棄置階段2~3%。然而,以木炭炭烤之雞排,能源燃料會佔整體碳排之60%,較食材生產階段(36%)為高,這表示製程中能源燃料的選擇是影響碳排潛勢的重要因素。最後,本研究以台灣一天生產約25萬片雞排的水準,推估台灣一年因食用雞排所產生之碳排放潛勢超過5萬公噸,若以碳補償的觀點來看,大約需要種植約3500公頃樹木方可消弭食用雞排產生之二氧化碳。


Taiwan's night markets have a variety of snacks and have always been the tourist attraction. Among the diverse snacks in night market, chicken cutlet is one of the favorite foods. Therefore, this study takes it as an example to evaluate its carbon footprint. Four stages, including of production, energy consumption, transportation, and waste disposal, were considered. The results showed that a serving of chicken cutlet weighs 270 grams, and it can make 0.532 kgCO_2e by frying. The way grilled after gas fried produce 0.619 kgCO_2e; as for the way grilled after charcoal fried reach 1.310 kgCO_2e. In addition, spice chilly flavor can make 0.623 kgCO_2e, and cheese flavor can make 0.709 kgCO_2e. Moreover, the chicken cutlet contributes 8~18 g CO_2 per NT dollar. From the perspective of life cycle assessment (LCA), except charcoal grilled chicken, carbon emission of the other types of chicken cutlet mainly comes from production (75-83%), and followed with energy consumption (10-13%), transportation (5-6%) and waste disposal (2-3%). However, the most carbon emission happened in the stage of energy consumption (60%) when the process changed to use charcoal as its energy; it means the choice of fuel needs to pay attention to reduce the carbon emission. In summary, Taiwan consumes 250,000 chicken cutlets per day, it's estimated that the emission of carbon dioxide equivalent is more than 50,000 tons, and we have to plant 3,500 hectares of trees to clean up the green house gas from chicken cutlet.
