  • 期刊


A Study on the English Learners' Mental Models toward M-Leaning


本研究聚焦於上述兩大趨勢的交集處--行動英語學習,並透過整合性的質化研究方法,以「隱喻抽取技術」(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)為主,「方法-目的鏈」(Means-end chains)理論為輔,萃取使用者對行動英語學習的深層構念。本研究訪談對象分別為六位學生族群與六位上班族群,相互比較後除了可以看到全體受訪者之共識構念之外,也可探討兩族群對行動英語學習之看法有何異同。研究發現,全體受訪者之共識構念認為:行動載具體積小、輕巧好攜帶,隨時隨地都可以使用;英語學習App 具有趣味娛樂的屬性,對使用者會有吸引力;多功能的屬性則可以幫助學習,知道學習進度,讓學習更有效果藉以提升英語能力。從兩個族群不同的心智模式與心智路徑,發現學生與上班族不同的學習動機。學生族群在英文學習上是需要獲得別人認同,需要同儕一起參與;上班族則對於時間、效率較為重視。本研究結果串連了使用者對行動英語學習從屬性、結果到價值的脈絡,透過圖像呈現使用者的心智模式。研究所萃取出之共識構念與路徑,以及不同族群觀點之異同,將可作為市場區隔策略的參考依據,以有助於行動英語學習App 的產品開發與行銷。


New technological developments have inspired and supported innovative learning activities. Mobile phones with intelligent teaching techniques have been increasingly utilized in informal leaning because of their high degree of portability. As learning with a mobile application is different from classroom learning, a new area of study-Mobile Learning (M-Learning) has come into shape. wo groups-university students and office workers participated in the study on the perception and added value of mobile technology for learning English. This study aims to investigate two groups' perception of mobile learning. A blend of qualitative methodologies was adopted including the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) method, means-end chain approach and laddering process for data collection and analysis. The results showed that the majority of respondents in this study indicated the most significant value of m-learning including device's compactness, portability, no limitation of time and place; amusement of using App and its multifunction. In addition, the motivation of adapting mobile learning between the two groups is different. For students, they want to improve their English proficiency for acquiring a sense of assurance from others of their own worth and need of peer's participation. For office workers, they use m-learning to gain a faster and effective way to learn English. These findings and the mental models depicting the key rational and emotional factors involving in learners' decision process should give valuable information to help designers in developing, implementing and assessing the use of mobile devices for English learning.


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