  • 期刊


A Study of Learning Motivations in Mobile English Learning Applications


科技改變了學習方式,進而影響學習與教材的形式。從以往的紙本教材,到數位學習運用電腦輔助教學,至行動、無線網路科技盛行的現代,教材不再受限於實體書籍、電腦軟體,走向行動應用程式與電子書,供學習者透過載具下載、使用,尤其在英語學習教材上,各式行動教材雨後春筍般地林立。然而這些教材的功能是否滿足、激起學習者的需求與動機仍是相當值得關切的議題。因此本研究透過文獻探討暸解行動學習的發展、教材應具的功能,並以ARCS 學習動機理論,設計問卷整合文獻、訪談內容之教材功能,探討學習者間的動機與需求滿足關係。因此本研究有下列三點研究目的:一、探討學習者英語行動學習教材之使用情形。二、探討不同背景者使用英語行動學習教材動機之差異情形。三、探討學習者持續使用英語行動學習教材之動機。本研究針對上述研究目的進行問卷的統計分析,借以提供英語行動學習出版者在往後系統設計時之建議。


Technology has changed the way of learning, affecting the forms of learning as well as learning materials. From paper books, applications of computer equipments to mobile or wireless networks today, the forms of learning materials can include computer software, mobile application or e-book in addition to printed versions. Learners can download these materials via their own devices. This situation has been apparently shown in the field of English Learning. Many kinds of mobile learning materials are uploaded and released for learners to use. However, it is still rather controversial that these mobile learning materials can really meet learners' needs and enhance their learning motivations. Therefore, this paper will focus on this issue by reviewing related literature to understand the developments and shifts of learning models, generalizing essential functions in the designs of English mobile learning materials, analyzing the publishers' designing backgrounds and strategies, and using questionnaires to investigate whether these learning materials can meet learners' needs and enhance their learning motivations. The three main purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. Investigating how learners use mobile English learning applications. 2. Investigating learners' motivations in using English mobile learning applications in terms of different backgrounds. 3. Investigating learners' motivations in continuing to use English mobile learning applications. The analysis of the questionnaire is performed with the above purposes for the advice and reference in the designs as well as developments of the systems in English mobile learning applications.


