  • 期刊


A Research of Augmented Reality on interactive English Digital learning materials - A case study of 3 games for the 5th graders of Elementary School


多媒體教學應用在各個學科上面已經是相當的普遍,但以一般的影片播放則缺乏與使用者的互動,導致學生學習興趣低落及學習成效不彰。因此本研究旨在於如何建構一具有互動性英語數位教材,經由與台北榮富國小及高雄旗山國小的英語老師的深度訪談後,開始規劃雛型內容。首先以『國小英文6』課本Lesson 3 中阿拉丁故事為劇情為動畫腳本情節、以3D 立體圖像與英語對話為教學內容,並結合擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)的互動多媒體技術,將國小五年級要學習的英語字詞、生活用語和簡易句型轉化開發出角色扮演、句字接龍、單字搜尋等三個單元的AR 互動式英語教材。操作方面則借助平板電腦與AR 的高互動性來加強學習的動機與興趣。雛型作品完成後再赴國小測試並依據改善意見修改。完成教材開發後挑選旗山國小33 位同學進行測試,在練習完教材後填寫學習成就測驗、ARCS(注意力、關聯、信心、滿足)學習動機、整體內容分析、及smileyometer 等量表。經統計分析後使用本教材學習英語除能引起學習者興趣並提升學習成效,教材的有趣性及內容也獲得很高的評價。本研究之貢獻除開發了一個AR 互動式英語教學教材讓老師們在課堂上能以活潑、多元化的方式來教學外,更記錄整個開發的流程可提供教材設計師在未來設計相關教材時的參考資料。


Various school subjects are commonly taught using multimedia format. However, most English teaching videos lack interactivity with their students. This can lead to lack of interest and resulting in dissatisfactory results. The purpose of this study is to construct a successful digital, interactive English material. A prototype was built after extensive interview with teachers from Taipei Rongfu and Kaohsiung Qishan elementary schools. Using Lesson 3 in "Elementary English 6" textbook, the Aladdin story will be converted into a 3D animation and deliver using tablet. Combining with augmented reality (AR) and various games like role-play, word solitaire, and word search , 5th graders would learn the English vocabulary, comprehension and grammar by using interactive materials. The prototype is then presented to the elementary school and its student for feedback and testing. The final product was used at Qishan elementary school 33 randomly chosen students participated in the testing. After learning through the AR material, an English test, ARCS(Attention、Relevance、Confidence、Satisfaction) Motivation survey, overall content survey, and smileyometer were conducted. The results from statistical analysis, the scores for learning motivation, learning effectiveness, satisfaction on contents and engagement of AR teaching materials were very high. This research has shown that not only delivering English teaching materials interactively is beneficial to both students and teachers. They are enjoying a fun and engaging method to teach and learn at the same time. The entire development process has been recorded which can provide to teaching materials designers in the future as a reference.


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