  • 會議論文


Research in Interactive Design Through the Mobile Learning of Aircraft Maintenance Simulation


近年來,新興媒體如擴增實境Augmented Reality(AR)、虛擬實境Virtual Reality(VR)和混合實境Mixed Reality(MR)所帶動適性化學習(Adaptive Learning),透過行動學習方式正逐漸改變人們的學習習慣及人才培育模式。具遊戲化(Game Based)、情境化(Situated)的自主學習(Heutagogy)模式也陸續推陳出新,進而帶動業培訓另一波革新思維。而當企業面對資訊快速更迭及人力流動迅速的時代來臨,企業在培訓員工的腳步上永遠稍嫌不足。對於缺乏完善的教育訓練規劃,往往導致企業競爭力的喪失與產品品質衰退。而教育訓練人員的不足或流動性高等因素,相對帶給企業工業安全與能力升級的另一隱憂。本研究以檢修A330空中巴士煞車器的安裝模擬訓練為例,設計具實用性且符合工業實作環境的行動教學輔具開發。本輔具開發主以成人教育(Andragogy)理論下的教學策略發展進行規劃,並強調適性化學習如何有效運用在行動裝置的互動設計上。本研究是以擴增實境技術(AR)搭配飛機檢修安裝煞車器為樣本所進行的行動學習教材開發,並進行在「個案研究法」的質性探索與搭配「問卷調查法」的量化比對,藉以獲得較全面性的有效樣本評估。我們試圖理解:1.教材轉化數位能力、2.課程互動設計與3.使用者學習成效三方共構的因果關係。我們透過達到具同化(Assimilation)與固化(Consolidation)的適性化學習目標來驗證問題的改善。


In recent years, emerging media such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) have driven adaptive learning. Adaptive learning involves gradually changing people's learning habits and talent cultivation models through mobile learning methods. Additionally, the self-learning (Heutagogy) model has repeatedly been contextualized and used in concurrence with gamification, which has led to another wave of innovative thinking in job instruction training. The lack of a complete education and training plan often leads to the loss of corporate competitiveness and product quality declines. Insufficiencies concerning training personnel and high mobility have brought hidden concerns to enterprises regarding industrial safety and capacity upgrading. This research takes the installation simulation training of A330 airbus brake maintenance as an example and designs the development of practical teaching aids in alignment with the industrial practice environment. The development plan of this mobile learning device is based primarily on the development of teaching strategies under the adult education algorithm theory (Andragogy) and emphasizes how to effectively use adaptive learning in the interactive design of mobile devices.This research uses augmented reality technology focused on aircraft maintenance and brake installation as samples in developing mobile learning materials, conducting qualitative exploration with the "case study method" and quantitative comparison with the "questionnaire survey method," and obtaining a more comprehensive and effective sample evaluation. We attempt to understand the causal relationship between (a) the digital capacity of the teaching material, (b) the design of the interactive curriculum, and (c) the effectiveness of the user's experience. We verify the reduction of the problem by achieving the adaptive learning goals of assimilation and consolidation. The research focuses on addressing information overload and redundancy derived from situational 3D animation simulations and achieving effective information transmission design through the interface control of visual perception. Finally, we analyze the differences in interactive design results caused by design thinking logic.
