

近年來隨著硬體效能提高,虛擬實境(VR)、擴增實境(AR)、混合實境(MR)蓬勃發展,但多半使用穿戴式裝置方式呈現。使用者為了體驗,必須花費非常多的時間進行設定、穿戴,限制了這類型的感知互動技術普及化,故如何輕量化設備或使用裸視3D方式呈現,儼然成為新的研究課題。其中,浮空投影(Holographic Projection,又稱全息投影)技術作為裸視3D的一種呈現方式,已行之有年,但目前皆以呈現動畫為主,缺乏互動功能,主要用於商品呈現或導覽使用。且製作過程稍嫌繁瑣,經常要使用多個專業軟體才可以達成,本研究將實做一個平台,提供三維建模師快速產生浮空投影專用之影片,藉此降低該技術的實現門檻。同時,藉由遊戲搖桿(Joystick)等裝置,可提供觀察者與浮空投影中的物件進行互動。藉由本研究的成果,可以使初學者快速完成一個浮空投影影片,並分享給他人。


Thanks to the improvement of computer hardware, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) become more and more popular, but most of them require wearing equipment which take a lot of time to set up. Holographic Projection, a technique which allows people see 3D images with bare eyes, looks like a way to solve this problem. However, the current technique mainly focuses on animation acting rather than interactive function. Also, it takes a lot of time to build a Holographic Projection image with different software. This research provides a platform which allows animators to create Holographic Projection image in a short time with only few steps. Besides, it allows users to interactive with the 3D image by joystick. Even a beginner can create a Holographic Projection image quickly by following our solution.
