  • 學位論文


The study of combining front-projected holographic display with the design of Motion-Sensitive Interactive

指導教授 : 靳鐵章


隨著科技的演進,透過軟硬體融入生活之中,也就是所謂的智慧生活(Smart Living)。現今許多軟體與硬體皆轉向人性化發展,在視覺上更為顯著。本研究以智慧生活為方向,視覺技術領域作為研究對象,從視覺的觀點出發,探討「對於觀看的影像只能有一個面向嗎?」。因此決定採用全息投影(front-projected holographic display)技術,做為創作的主軸技術,突破單一面向的影像呈現的刻板印象。但對於剛踏入全息投影這領域的新鮮人或不同背景之人士,往往不知如何著手創作。因此本研究藉由個案研究法與KJ法,整理出相關資訊並分析。並且藉由創作幾項不同類型的作品過程,統整本研究結果,供欲踏入此領域之新鮮人有初步的學習方向,以啟發初學者後續之互動創作。研究結果可歸納出八點注意事項,其注意事項分別為:(一)設計者需先具備全息投影概念及技術的知識。;(二)全息投影技術可達到錯視的視覺感官體驗。;(三)應用全息投影技術於體感互動(Motion-Sensitive Interactive)設計時,應著重於附加之虛擬影像(Virtual Image)資訊後所創造出的新空間。;(四)規劃互動設計時,其中全息影像(Hologram)以圖像引導之作用為佳。;(五)如果影像訊息內容較多,可製作數個不同段落的影片動畫。;(六)參與者的影像也是影像呈現中的一個元素,應列為考量的項目。;(七)使用不同的技術,增加全息投影其他形式的豐富性。;(八)實驗採用鏡面亮度50%隔熱材質,在環境光處於過亮、一般、過暗等空間皆能呈現。


全息投影 Kinect Leap motion


In this study, the direction is the wisdom of life and the field of vision technology as the research object. From a visual point of view, it is to explore "To view the images can have only one aspect?" It was therefore decided to use technology of front-projected holographic display as the principal technology of creation, breaking through the single way of presentation of image on stereotype. With the evolution of technology, through combining hardware and software with life, that is the so-called Smart Living. However, to the one who is a freshman in the field of front-projected holographic display or with different backgrounds, they often do not know how to begin to create. So this study through case study method and Affinity Diagram sort out the relevant information and analysis. And the research results is integrated by the create procedure of creating several different types. It gives the direction of the preliminary learning to the one who wants to enter this area, and inspire beginner's later interactive creation. The results can be summarized as follows which considerations are: (1) Designer must first have knowledge of the concepts and techniques of front-projected holographic display. (2) The technique of front-projected holographic display can achieve a visual illusion of sensory experience. (3) The application of front-projected holographic display in the design of Motion-Sensitive Interactive should focus on the new space which is created by the information of additional virtual image. (4) When it comes to planning interactive design, it is better to use image as guide among front-projected holographic display. (5) If the content of image has many messages, it can be made of several different parts of motion picture film. (6) Participants' image also present an element of image, they should be took into account as items. (7) Using various techniques to create abundance of other forms of front-projected holographic display. (8) Experiment with mirror brightness 50% insulation material can be presented in the space which ambient light is too bright, in general, too dark and so on.


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