  • 會議論文


The transformation of digital learning in universities and colleges to overall teaching in the post-epidemic era


2020年因為COVID-19疫情爆發,全球各地高等教育機關面臨前所未見的巨大挑戰,聯合國教科文組織秘書長Audrey Azoulay也指出:「此為我們前所未見規模如此大的教育破壞」,因此本研究主要以後疫情為主要研究背景,針對近二年國內外相關文獻進行分析,本研究主要從外在教學設備與模式以及內在認知與接受程度為主要分類標準,進一步瞭解大學校院在面對疫情時代下數位教學對於整體教學運作的改變。整理結果發現:遠距線上課程在疫情期間被視為是延續學校教育的良方,同時也有學者指出學生和教職員工應透過電子郵件定期接收相關資訊,學生和教職工的健康和安全應該是首要重視面向。校方應提供適當的諮詢服務,以支持學生的心理健康和福祉。此外,學生在學習過程中也認為數位教學在接近性、使用性、互動性等面向持較為肯定的學習態度。本研究建議大專院校在面對後疫情時代下數位教學運作上,先思考教師與學生在各種軟硬體設備上接受度以及適用性,同時也要解決城鄉數位落差以及資源分配公平性問題;內在接受度方面,應思考學生是否可以接受教師遠距教學方式、同學是否可以接受快速大量的知識傳遞以及同學本身對於數位教學認知度,這些皆為後疫情時代下,數位教學要面臨的問題與考驗。


Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, higher education institutions around the world are facing unprecedented challenges. UNESCO Secretary-General Audrey Azoulay also pointed out: "This is such a large-scale education destruction that we have never seen before." Therefore, this research mainly focuses on the future epidemic situation as the main research background, and analyzes the relevant domestic and foreign literature in the past two years. This research mainly uses the external teaching equipment and models and the internal cognition and acceptance as the main classification criteria to further understand the colleges and universities. Changes to the overall teaching operation of digital teaching in the epidemic era. The results of the collation found that: during the epidemic period, remote online courses were regarded as a good way to continue school education. At the same time, some scholars pointed out that students and faculty members should receive relevant information regularly through emails. The health and safety of students and faculty members should be the first priority. Pay attention to orientation. The school should provide appropriate counseling services to support the mental health and well-being of students. In addition, students also believe that digital teaching has a more positive learning attitude in terms of proximity, usability, and interaction. This study suggests that colleges and universities should first consider the acceptance and applicability of various software and hardware devices by teachers and students in the digital teaching operation in the post-epidemic era, and also address the digital gap between urban and rural areas and the fairness of resource allocation; In terms of internal acceptance, we should consider whether students can accept teachers' distance teaching methods, whether students can accept rapid and large amounts of knowledge transfer, and students' awareness of digital teaching. These are the problems and problems that digital teaching will face in the post-epidemic era. test.
