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東方果實蠅(Dacus dorsalis Hendel)於不同食物及水分供試下,以柳橙汁組之全日供水處理所得成蟲壽命最長,而以人工飼料組全日供水之繁殖率最高,不供應任何食物及水分,成蟲僅可存活3天,僅餵食水分可存活5天。幼期各蟲期之發育,以檬果飼育下所需之時間最短;成蟲壽命以柑桔飼育者最長,其中雌蟲壽命以檬果飼育之93.90天為最短,雄蟲則以番石榴之117.30天為最短;雌蟲產卵量以檬果及番石榴飼育時明顯較柑桔者為高。成蟲以葡萄糖、果糖及蔗糖餵食下,雄蟲平均壽命各處理組間無差異,雌蟲則以果糖餵食時最長(113.53天);雌蟲產卵量於各醣類處理間均極低。以人工飼料飼育之成蟲壽命與產卵量遠較僅取食10%糖水者為最高。以多行矩陣法計算所得各族羣介量,於不同果實飼育下之內在增殖率(r)及終極增殖率(λ)均以檬果者為最大(分別為r=0.1276, λ=1.1361),而以柑桔者為最小;淨增殖率(R_0)以番石榴飼育時為最高;平均世代時間以柑桔飼育者最長(T=85.84天),而以檬果飼育者46.24天最短。不同醣類餵食下之內在增殖率及淨增殖率均分別小於0及1。族羣統計學中之其他各介量,亦均於文中分別加以計算,並以圖示說明。


Ten different regiments inculding artificial diet, orange Juice, water supplies, their combinations, and nonfeeding effect on the oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel, were tested in the laboratory. It was showed that the longest longevity of adults was obtained from those feeding on orange juice with full water supply and the highest fecundity was from those on artificial diet. Flies survived only 3 days when supplied without any food and water, and lived 5 days while supplied with only water. The development durations of larvae reared on different fruits including guava, mango and citrus showed significant difference, the fastest was found reared on mangoes, while the longest longevity of both female and male were found reared from citruses. However, the fecundity of female reared on citruses was apparently lower than those on guavae and mangoes. There were no significant difference between the longevity of males that fed on glucose, fructose and saccharose, but for females it was the longest on fructose. However, the fecundity of female was extremely low when they fed on these low protein-contained foods. Both the longevity and fecundity of adults that fed on artificial diet were much better than that on 10% sugar solution. Therefore, nutritions and water are considered the major factors in determining the longevity and fecundity of this fly. The population growth parameters of the oriental fruit fly reared on guava, mango and citrus were calculated by using Chi's multiple column matrix (1985, 1988) with which the sexes of adults and the variable development rates among individuals were taken into account. Both the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were the highest (r=0.1276, λ<=1.1361) when reared on mangoes, while the lowest were on citruses. The highest net reproductive rate (R_0=492) was those reared on guavae. The longest mean generation time (T=85.84 days) was found on citruses, while the shortest one was on mangoes. The population parameters were showed no significant difference among those feeding on glucose, fructose and saccharse. Furthermore, r<O and R_0<1 when fed on glucose and saccharose, indicated that the population growth trend predictable toward down decline under such condition of low nutrient foods. The other parameters use for the demographic measures of this fly were also calculated and illustrated in this paper.
