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温度對螺旋粉蝨(Aleurodicus disperses Russell)發育、成蟲壽命、活動及產卵之影響

Effects of Temperature on the Development、Adult Longevity、Activity and Oviposition of the Spiralling Whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)


於10、15、18、20、22、25、28、30及32℃之定溫生長箱內以美人蕉(Canna indica)苗飼育螺旋粉蝨(Aleurodicus dispersus Russell),觀察其發育情形,結果在10℃死亡率過高,由15至32℃時,其各蟲期之發育速率與溫度呈拋物線關係,但在15至25℃之間則呈直線關係,據此推算各蟲期之發育臨界低溫分別為卵4.6±0.4℃;第1齡若蟲8.8±0.4℃;第2齡若蟲8.2±0.3℃;第3~4齡若蟲(蛹)9.8±0.7℃;由卵至第4齡若蟲(蛹)7.8±0.3℃。完成卵至蛹之有效積溫為433日度(day-℃)。成蟲活動範圍為12.3~32.3℃,於8.6℃以下開始昏迷現象,至5.2℃時則完全靜止,溫度高於40.2℃則昏迷。成蟲於15℃~30℃之壽命隨溫度之上升而縮短,雌蟲由18.5±6.5天減至10.0±2.1天;雄蟲由17.5±5.7天減至8.0±2.1天。雌蟲平均產卵量為17.0±9.0粒至10.0±7.5粒,在25℃時產卵量最多為28.0±14.5粒。


The development of the immature stages of Aleurodicus dispersus was studied by rearing on Canna indica in growth chambers set at 10、15、18、20、22、25、28、30 and 32℃. A curvilinear relationship was obtained between temperature and developmental rate within the temperature range, and a linear regression was shown from 15 to 25℃. Based on this linear regression, the developmental threshold and accumulated temperature for the egg, 1st instar, 2nd instar and 3rd+4th instar nymph were estimated to be 4.6±0.41, 8.8±0.43, 8.2±0.26, 9.8±0.69℃ and 170, 68, 89, 105 day-℃, respectively. A total of 433 day-℃ was required for completing the development from egg to pupal stage. Adults were active at 12.3 to 32.3℃. The heat and chill coma were 45.5 and 5.2℃, respectively. Adult life span shortened as temperature reared from 15℃ to 30℃ Mean fecundity ranged from 10.0±7.50 to 17.0±9.0 eggs with a maximum (28±14.5 eggs per female) at 25℃.
