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The Breeding Habitats of Aedes Mosquitoes and the Epidemic of Dengue Fever in Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


1991年於登革熱發生病例數最多的高雄市三民區加強調查發現最常見病媒蚊孳生場所依序為花器、輪胎、水桶、積水地下室、瓶罐、水缸、水槽、冰箱水盤。依材質分類以塑膠類最多,其次依序為陶瓷類、橡膠類、水泥類、金屬類、玻璃類。在三民區斑蚊孳生容器及其陽性率屋外皆高於屋內。由調查得知斑蚊孳生容器種類、材質、屋內外分布與該地區都市化、工商業化及民眾生活習慣有關。在登革熱流行之行政里,病媒孳生容器顯著高於無病例發生之行政里者,計有廢輪胎、積水地下室、水槽、水缸、水桶、瓶罐;兩者無差異者包括花器、冰箱水盤及其它等容器。由此顯示該地區大型儲水容器、廢容器在無有效管理下,成為登革熱病媒蚊主要孳生場所。三民區之積水地下室及空地上的廢棄容器受雨季影響積水後孳生大量埃及斑蚊Aedes aegypti (L.),成為登革熱病媒蚊最重要孳生地點;又由於高雄市三民區人口密度高且集中,流動人口多提高登革熱流行速率及機會,因此,三民區成為台灣登革熱主要發生流行地區之一。


登革熱 埃及斑蚊


Intensive studies on vector ecology were undertaken in Sanmin District, Kaoshiung City, Taiwan, where a large number of indigenous cases of dengue fever occurred. In 1991, a study found that the most common Aedes breeding sites in decreasing order were flower vases, tires, buckets, flooded basements, cans and bottles, water jars, tanks, and refrigerator receptacles. Aedes larvae were found mostly in containers made of plastic, followed by those made of porcelain, rubber, cement, metal and glass. In Sanmin District, the mumber of outdoor artificial water containers with breecing Aedes was higher than that of indoor containers. After industrialization and commercialization, plastic containers and rubber tires increased rapidly and due to urbanization, planting containers, e. g. flower vases and ornamental containers, also increased. The results indicated that epidemic areas had more storage containers, discarded containers and flooded basements than areas with no epidemic. In dengue fever epidemic areas, building basements, huge storage containers, discarded tires scattered around house-holds, and especially flooded basements and discarded containers on vacant lots became the major breeding sites of Aedes mosquitoes. The main breeding sites for mosquito vectors are vacant lots and flooded basments, therefore, such places should be inventoried and cleaned up. Efforts have thus been made to solve this problem.


Dengue fever Aedes aegypti (L.)


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