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Establishment of a Cell Line from Pupal Ovaries of Spodoptera Litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)




A cell line was established from pupal ovaries of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura. This cell line, designated as SL7A, was grown in TNM-FH insect cell culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. In primary cultures, small numbers of wandering connective-tissue-like cells appeared. After subculturing, cells generally became spherical rather than spindle shaped and adhered to the bottom of the culture plate, forming a monolayer of cells. The growth curve of the cells was Y=e^(-0.6736+0.0323x),r^2=0.98. The population doubling time during logarthmic growth at 28℃ was 21.4h. The saturated population of cells was approximately 2×10^7 cells in a 25-T flask, representing a 20-fold increase over the initial population in 4 days. Karyotype analysis revealed that the nucleus of SL7A cells contained numerous microchromosomes. The number of chromosomes appeared to follow a normal distribution in the range from 63 to 382 with a mean of 215.5±74.3. Isozyme analysis revealed that the SL7A cell line was characteristically different from 4 insect cell lines.


Spodoptera litura cell line growth curve karyotype isozyme

