  • 期刊



說故事是自古老的口傳文學以來即相當普遍的一種文學形式,不僅故事情節可以天馬行空,變化萬千,說書人更可以用聲調或獨特的語言風格吸引聽眾,因此兒童文學中,故事一直受到廣大兒童讀者的歡迎。從縱切面看,不同時代的故事反應了各時代不同的意識形態和主流價值觀。那麼,近十年來臺灣的兒童故事為孩子提供了什麼樣的性別角色模式?沿用女性主義的文學批評理論,本文擬從性別文化分析的角度進行故事研究。西蒙波娃(Simon De Beauvoir)曾說:「女人不是天生就是女人,女人是被造成的。」事實上,雖然人的生理性別(sex)大多在出生時即可被判定,然而心理性別(sexuality)以及社會性別(gender)卻都是在後天環境中逐漸養成的。靠著家庭、學校、社會環境的教化薰陶,小女生/小男生學習去做一個女人/男人。在性別教育中,兒童故事當然就是最重要的教科書了。文學作品再現(re-present)真實世界,兒童也從故事中模仿男女角色扮演,以及男女互動模式。隨著二十世紀末期男女平權意識的浮現,新一代的男女勢必要有新的性別認同以及價值肯定。本文希望以幼獅文化公司所出版的一九八八~一九九八年兒童文學故事選集作為代表文本,檢視這十年來的兒童故事,所呈現的新男女形象為何以及所提供的性別教育為何。


Story has been a popular genre since the time of the ancient oral literature. Its plot could be various and imaginative, and the story-teller could attract his audience by his particular tone or language style. Therefore, in children's literature, stories have always been welcome to lots of children. Diachronically, stories in different ages present their different dominant ideologies. If so, what kind of role-playing of female and male is provided there for children in Taiwan's stories during recent years? Applying feminist theories, this paper aims to focus on the gender analysis of stories. Simon De Beauvoir said: "A woman was not born, but made." Actually, even though one's sex could be determined when she/he was born, her/his sexuality and gender are gradually generated afterwards. It is in the surroundings of family, school, and society that a girl/boy learns to be a woman/man. For gender education, stories for children are the most important textbooks, for since literary works re-present reality, children read stories, imitate and finally internalize the role-playing of female/male and the mode of their interaction in stories. The ideology of equality between sexes has emerged since the late twentieth centuries and woman/man in the new age might have new sexual identity and justification of her/his own value. Using the collection of stories for children from 1988-1998, published by Yu-Shih Company, as the representative text, this paper would like to examine what the new types of woman/man look like in these ten years and what kind of gender-teaching the stories offer.


stories for children feminism gender role-playing
