  • 期刊


The World of Lin Haiyin's Fairy Tales The Father Complex and the Light of Logo


本文以林海音的《城南舊事》為中心,分析她筆下的父親形象和光的象徵意義。《城南舊事》與林海音的大部分兒童文學作品一樣,強調父親的育護、承擔和道德的角色,通過童年的追憶,懷緬傳統家庭的嚴父慈母的北平生活。《城南舊事》由幾個故事組成,每個故事都象徵著小女孩英子的內在成長經歷。本文嘗試論證,這種以系列故事模式來表達成長主題有脈絡可尋,英國兒童文學作家波特(Beatrix Potter)的《比得兔》(Peter Rabbit)故事系列就是其中的例證,而翻譯出版波特的比得兔故事系列,又是林海音對兒童文學的代表貢獻之一。此外,本文還指出了《城南舊事》中的太陽意象和父親情結的關係,太陽代表父親、光明、理性是很多文化共有的想像。光在童話中卻具有削弱個人內心聲音的意思,女性如果樂於陽光的溫暖和舒適,而不作出反思,則會生活在父親的陰影中。


This paper critically analyses Lin Haiyin's Memories of Peking: South Side Stories to reveal the association of sun image and father complex embedded in the entire novel. The symbol of Sun represents father image, truth, and logos in many cultures, and the presence of light, in Lin Haiyin's Memories of Peking: South Side Stories contributes to a diminishing growth and development of personality, blind the feminine side of a woman, and hinders the re-collection of inner self throughout life. Compared to other fairy tales written by Lin,t he five stories in Memories of Peking show the same concern on the parental and moral role of father. Lin's childhood was a typical personal growing experience in a traditional Chinese family. In this paper, Lin's stories, which is symbolically read as the development of feminine inner self, is compared to Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit, to draw out a similar story pattern to establish the theme of personal growth.
