  • 期刊


The Ruling Policy of Northern Wei and the Corruption of Its Government Officials


The tribesmen of Hsien Pei T'o Pa (鮮卑拓拔) were late-comers in conquering China, as compared with those of Wu Hu (五胡); whereas they were more assimilated into, or sinicized by, the Chinese. The corrupt practices of government officials, however, could not be suppressed even at a time of prosperity and peace. It might have something to do with the plundering policy adopted by the Kings of Wei. This condition continued until the reign of Empress Wen Ming (文明太后) and King H'ao Wen(孝文帝). They began to pay more concern and solicitude to their people, putting aside the issue of "host and guests" in the country. Such a sense of unification brought a drastic change. But, before that, government officials had long been used to act as a tool to squeeze and repress the people. Corruption resulted in severe suffering to the people, with the corrupted bureaucrats inflicting it with impunity, due mainly to the fact that they had been condoned to do so. Therefore, it was found to be useless even if there were severe punishment at that time.


