  • 期刊


The Possibility of a Popular Gender Education: A Feminist Practice in the Context of Distant Learning


本研究旨在探討在空中大學教育現場中設計、講授與規劃性別相關課程的挑戰與方法。同時,本研究將對照國外各空大的教學經驗,對照研究者在高雄市立空大通識教育中心開設的「邂逅女性主義」與「酷兒的異想世界」兩門課程,繼而從中整理一套「大眾流行性別教育」(popular gender education)的藍圖。就教學方法而言,本研究認為:在空大任教的女性主義教師,必須同時和文化研究所主張的「有機知識分子」合作,設計「流行教學法」(popular pedagogy),即以大眾語言(popular language)解釋與傳遞抽象的性別理論概念。就教學意義而言,此工作不僅涉及和象徵各種差異、他者的學生之互動,讓空大的開放性質得以彰顯,同時可讓學生們在回到各自的生活場景時,成為具有改變社會力量的能動者。最後,就研究貢獻來說,本研究從上述所整理之資料中,歸納一套針對社會大眾的性別教育方法,以做為日後性別教育工作者或政策決策者推動性平教育時的參照。


This paper discusses the teaching experiences of designing and conducting gender courses in the context of open universities, especially that of Open University of Kaohsiung (OUK). Regarding the pedagogy for adult learners at open universities abroad and OUK, the researcher suggests to develop a "popular pedagogy," which may be realized through the collaboration between a feminist teacher and the ideal of organic intellectual proposed by cultural studies paradigm. Popular pedagogy invites students to be involved with course materials and encourages them to appropriate what they have learnt and solve gender problems they confront in their daily experiences. In other words, students have to be empowered and make themselves as social agents who can bring changes to the society. In this way, this research is dedicated to the researcher's ambition to project a blueprint of "popular gender education," i.e., gender pedagogy for the popular. This kind of pedagogy matters because it may be applied by policy-makers or gender educators when common senses of gender equality in any form need to be transmitted to the public in the future.
