  • 期刊


Self-identification and Memories of a Loyalist's Son: A study of Yang Bin's Journey to Ningguta




寧古塔 楊賓 楊越 遺民二代


This study investigates the writings of Yang Bin (楊賓, 1650-1720), Ming loyalist Yang Yue's (楊越 , 1622-1691) son, and focuses on his self-identification a "son of loyalists" during the early Qing dynasty. I will highlight how Yang Bin was influenced by his father, and how Ming loyalists living during the Qing dynasty saw the previous dynasty. I will focus on Yang Bin's poems and prose, which depict a long journey from China's central plains to its northeast. These writings shows not only that Yang Bin embarked upon this road in order to visit his parents in Ningguta (寧古塔), but also that the path he took was similar to the one his father traveled along when went into exile years earlier. In those writings, ancient relics on the road revive memories of the fallen former dynasty, reflecting nostalgia for the past dynasty and showing proximity between Yang Bin's inner world and those of his father, a surviving Ming loyalist. Additionally, Yang Bin constructed the memories of his father, Yang Yue, through poems, biographies, and prose; these literary works convey an image of his father as a Ming loyalist. Moreover, Yang Bin's uncle, who held office in the Qing court, provided care and exercised influences on his nephew's identification. All in all, I argue that Yang Bin sought self-identification, while being influenced by both his father and his uncle.


Ningguta Yang Bin Yang Yue loyalist


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