  • 期刊


The Laser Metallization Technology for the High Frequency Ceramic Components


隨著多樣性產品與元件對於輕薄短小之體積要求逐漸增加,微波介質陶瓷元件因具有體積小、元件密度高等優勢,而需求量大幅增加。本論文開發陶瓷雷射金屬化技術製作微波介質陶瓷元件應用於38GHz高頻天線與GPS (global positioning system)天線,以取代傳統銀漿網印技術與金屬漿料高溫燒結技術,其為低溫快速製程,且可利用雷射光精準控制金屬線路之位置與線寬,故最小線寬可達30 μm以下,且位置精度可控制於±50 μm以下,符合B4G或5G高頻模組之發展需求,且因低溫製程而具有高節能效益。


Due to the increasing demands of various products and compact components, the needs to develop metallization technology in devices of microwave dielectric ceramics become imperative and important. The microwave dielectric ceramic is very effective for manufacturing smaller devices and improving the package density of integrated circuits. The purpose of this paper is to develop ceramic laser metallization technology to fabricate devices of microwave dielectric ceramics for the applications in high-frequency 38 GHz antenna and GPS antenna. In comparison to the conventional technology of screen printing of silver pastes sintered under high temperature, the laser metallization is a low-temperature process with rapid speed. Moreover, the position and line-width of metal lines could be precisely controlled by laser irradiation and stages. Therefore, the smallest line-width could be lower than 30 μm and the precision of line position could be within the range of ±50 μm. The achievement of smallest line-width and precision of line position fulfills the requirements of B4G and 5G high-frequency antenna. This technology could also effectively save energy because of its low-temperature process.
