  • 期刊


Development of Gear Shifting for EV with 2-Speed Transmission


由於環保意識抬頭,車輛環保法規日漸嚴苛,各車廠為滿足法規需求,勢必提高新能源車輛的占比,其中電動車(EV)具零排汙與系統簡單之優點成為各方關注之焦點。本文介紹一應用於電動車之兩速變速箱,相較於單速齒輪箱可延伸極速表現、增加起步扭矩並提高整體效率。替換Nissan Leaf EV的動力系統進行實車換檔測試,觀察換檔致動器轉速與入檔位置對換檔時間的影響,並進一步據此發展整車換檔模型討論退/回扭速率(slew rate)與允許轉速差對換檔時間及急跳度(jerk)之關係,可作為後續調校之參考。


Due to the rise of environmental awareness, the emission regulations are becoming increasingly stringent. In order to meet the requirements of regulations, manufacturers must increase the proportion of the new energy vehicles products. Therefore, electric vehicles (EVs) with zero emission and system simplicity have become the focus of attention. A 2-speed transmission for EV is presented in this article, which extends the extreme speed performance, increases the starting torque and improves the overall efficiency when compared to the single-speed gearbox. The prototype is installed in a Nissan Leaf EV to test the shifting performance, and the relationship among the speed of shifting actuator, shifting position, and shifting time is revealed. Furthermore, based on these test data, a vehicle-level model has been built for the shifting parameter and performance simulations, such as slew rate, speed difference, shifting time and jerk.
