  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Thermal Effect on Materials used for Diffractive Element Depth Sensor


本研究主要利用繞射光學編碼、熱形變模擬及深度計算模型評估在不同材料下,由溫度所引起的深度計算誤差。由於溫度的上升使得繞射元件上的微結構形變,進而造成繞射光點的位移,對應的位移量造成深度計算誤差。由模擬結果可看到熔融石英(Fused silica)在溫度為60度時,其位深度誤差0.007 mm遠低於紅外光相機的成像解析度(0.2 mm),對比壓克力(Acrylic)材料則為0.885 mm,由此可見,在針對高精度的量測需求下,熔融石英材料為基礎的繞射元件,為目前最佳的解決方案。


繞射元件 微結構 熱效應


In this study, the depth calculation error caused by thermal effects are estimated for different materials by adopting diffraction optical coding, thermal deformation simulation, and depth calculation model. Temperature increase in a diffractive element leads to microstructure deformation, therefore result in diffractive pattern shift: The displacement of the diffraction spots would result in a depth calculation error. From the simulation results, fused silica at a temperature of 60 degree has the depth error about 0.007 mm, that it is much lower than the IR camera imaging resolution (0.2 mm). Compared to acrylic material, the depth error is approximately 0.885 mm under the same simulation condition. The results indicate that the diffraction components based on fused silica materials are currently the best solution for high precision measurement requirements.
