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The Effects of a Core Muscle Shooting Training Program on the Jump Shoot Steadiness of College Basketball Players


目的:8週動、靜態核心肌群投籃訓練運用在大專籃球選手跳投穩定度之探討。方法:從中部某大學籃球校代表隊中挑選未接觸過核心肌群訓練的28位選手為受試者,以球齡、位置及性別進行配對分成動、靜態核心肌群投籃訓練的核心組(core exercise)與一般投籃訓練的對照組(control)。受試者在實驗期間均接受常規的籃球訓練,核心組與對照組每週分別進行動、靜態核心肌群投籃及一般投籃訓練課程,投籃量為100球(次),每次訓練約90分鐘。且各組於8週訓練前、後皆依據Hardy(1994)的計分方法進行四項跳投穩定度的檢測。用相依樣本t檢定(paired t-test)與獨立樣本t檢定分析(independent sample t-test)比較組內與組間之差異。結果:核心組在五點中距離原地跳投、五點遠距離原地跳投、五點中距離移位跳投及五點遠距離移位跳投的後測結果皆優於前測(p<.05)。結論:核心肌群在運動中扮演穩定脊椎及穩定身體的平衡力,根據結果發現,用較少的投籃「量」加上動、靜態核心肌群投籃訓練可提升大專籃球員跳投穩定度。不過,一般投籃訓練是以模擬實際比賽情境進行訓練,在跳投穩定上也扮演著非常重要的角色。


投籃 抗力球 半圓型抗力球


Purpose: To explore the effects of an eight-week dynamic and static core muscle shooting training program on the jump shoot steadiness of college basketball players. Methods: 28 players picked from an University basketball team in Taichung, who had not done core muscle training before, were the subjects. These were divided into two groups with similar experience playing basketball, playing positions and gender. The two groups were: the dynamic and static core muscle shooting training core exercise group and the general shooting training control group. All the subjects took the general basketball training program. At the same time one group took the dynamic and static core muscle shooting training and the other group took the general shooting training program which was 90 minutes per training session for 100 shots. The subjects were all measured for four kinds of shooting steadiness before and after the experiment according to Hardy (1994) score system, using the Paired Sample t-test and the Independent Sample t-test to compare the differences within and between two groups. Rsults: The rsults showed that the core exercise group were significantly higher (p < 0.05) after training for the four measured items: 5-point mid-range on-spot jump shooting; 5-point long-range on-spot jump shooting; 5-point mid-range shift jump shooting and 5-point long-range shift jump shooting. Conclusions: Core muscle training helps to stabilize the spinal cord and body balance during exercise. The study also discovered that excellent jump shoot steadiness can be achieved by college basketball players using less shooting "quantity" with the dynamic and static core muscle shooting training program. However, general shooting training is achieved using game simulation, which plays a very important role in jump shoot steadiness as well.


shoot swiss ball bosu ball
