  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



由於許多的智慧型可攜式行動裝置的崛起,已獲得了許多市場的關注,各家大廠牌也積極的推出穿戴式裝置商品,而在目前智慧型可攜式行動裝置設備當中,最有話題性的莫過於智慧型眼鏡,然而有關於智慧型眼鏡的研究,還在起步階段,且尚未產生比較有效的應用方式,它的應用層面價值仍需被完整的探討和調查。因此,本研究開發出一套以擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)與物體辨識技術為基礎之混合實境式的互動導覽系統,其模組功能包括了物體辨識模組、直覺化控制模組、AR資訊顯示模組、伺服器連接模組,透過這些模組的運作,讓使用者以一種直覺化的操作方式,就可以掌握到物品的相關AR資訊和3D物件,而這種新的科技應用模式,也讓使用者可以更簡單,且快速的觀賞虛擬物體的資訊,進而提供一種新穎且獨特的科技應用模式,並達到提升台灣資訊科技的應用和發展之目的。


In recent years, wearable devices has become more widely used in a number of different fields of life. Many companies have begun to produce a variety of wearable devices to create commercial values. A lot of news reported that smart glasses are able to promote the efficiency and convenience of personal life. Although smart glasses are not a novel technology, its potential use within commercial applications and academic research is just now being explored. Therefore, we developed a Mixed Reality Interactive Tour System (MITS) that is based on augmented reality and object recognition technologies. The MITS system comprises four primary modules: an object recognition module, an intuitive control modules, an AR display modules, and a server connection module. These modules will enable the MITS system to provide an intuitive operation method, which users can interact with 3D objects and AR information intuitively and easily. Thus, through the use of MITS system, users are able to navigate virtual objects, and further associate virtual information with related entities in the real world. Our ultimate goal is to encourage the wide-spread use of AR technologies, object recognition technology and wearable display devices in different fields, and to further promote the use of customized and relevant systems in Taiwanese information application and development.
