  • 期刊


A study on the return of confiscation of property by unlawful sentences after political transformation: a comparison of international development




In order to calm down the mistakes and heal the pain of history, the government successively passed the "Regulations on the Rights of Peoples with Damages during the Martial Law Period" and the "Regulations on Compensation for Improper Insurrection and Spyness Cases during the Severe Suppression Period" due to the rebellion. The case of the sui and sui sui trials was improperly tried, and the judges who were unable to obtain compensation or relief after the martial law were compensated. However, the provisions of Article 9 of the National Security Law have blocked the application of Article 10 of the martial law, so that the people whose rights have been impaired cannot appeal, and they have obtained the acquittal to determine the judgment, and thus the people's rights to damage during the martial law period. If the people are confiscated for property due to civil unrest or external crimes, they may request a refund after being acquitted; if they cannot be returned, they shall be compensated with appropriate money." From the date of implementation of the Regulations on the Promotion of Transitional Justice, the victims of political cases involved in the Regulations on Compensation for Inappropriate Insurgency and Spy Spy Judicial Cases during the martial law period shall be automatically revoked on the same day as the ruling. If the judgment is revoked and the original principal sentence is revoked, the confiscation of the property will result in the loss of its affiliation, that is, it should be returned to the victim or the original owner. Other countries in the world have also experienced similar situations with our country. Among the relevant legislative cases, there are also considerable value for China as a solution to solve this problem of returning property. This paper intends to have a representative of the "transformation justice" experience, especially those who are similar to China, have legislative cases in countries with authoritarian and military rule, and observe and briefly compare them from the perspective of comparative law. Introduce, explore, or serve as a reference for specific practices.
