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Discussion on the Dispute of Crime of illegally providing land on the Waste Disposal Act, and its future amendments




Although the environmental criminal law in Taiwan has been seriously concerned recently, the really important part has still not been discussed. For example, the criminal sanctions in the special law on environmental protection clearly play an important role in the courts, but the Taiwan academia has not yet clarified their illegal content, nor can it determine whether the court's judgment is appropriate. Therefore, this article is based on the subject of the "Illegal provision of land" in Article 46, paragraph 3 of the Waste Disposal Act, which is still rarely taken seriously. After reviewing the legislative process and practical interpretation of the crime, this article confirms that it is inappropriate for the Supreme Court to include the "non-owning possessor" in the scope of punishment. This has violated the meaning of "providing land" in this offence and is not the true intention of the legislator. It may be due to the misunderstanding of the illegal content and system orientation of this crime. After considering the legislative process, legislative interpretation, textual restrictions and system positioning design of this crime, this article considers that the illegal content of Article 46, paragraph 3, of the Waste Disposal Act, "Illegal provision of land" is constructed in the concept of "Social obligation of property rights", which represents the use restrictions of the property rights of the land. In addition, this crime uses the legislative technique of "Transforming Accomplice into Principal offender" for the purpose of emphasizing the key position of "landowners" in this crime. However, in contrast to the design of Section 326 of the German Criminal Code, "Unauthorized disposal of hazardous waste" and the German Recycling Act (KrwG), it is clear that there are more concise ways to achieve the same legal purpose. Therefore, specific recommendations for legislative amendments to this crime are presented in the conclusion section of this article.


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