  • 期刊


Development and comparison of German detention system and human rights protection




This article focuses on the development of German criminal procedure law and detention law, and explains its formation and influence in various important eras. Through the exploration of the evolution of the old criminal procedure law and the old detention law in Germany, such as the transition from the inquisitorial Procedure to the accusatorial Procedure, and the rise and fall of various grounds for detention. So people can not only understand the changes of the legal history, but also have a better comprehension the foundation of the contemporary German detention law system; on the other hand, Taiwanese detention law is also legal reception to a large number of German law, and its historical development track is roughly consistent with German law. Particularly, the German legal system, from Nazi Germany to the various revisions of the law, the legal system of Taiwan also refers to amendment. Therefore, Taiwanese law and German law can be said to be inseparable. The detention law of Taiwan is tightly related to German law, whose historical development experience and various comments can be used as an aid to the structure, constituent elements and legal effects of the Taiwanese detention law. At the same time, the Taiwanese legislature can also refer to German detention law.


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