  • 期刊


The Concentration of Crime and Its Theoretical Interpretations




Despites of the early-found evidence of criminal concentration as in different names (e.g., habitual offenders, persistent offenders, hard-core criminals, and career criminals) and the further great research development, systematic understanding and literature scrutiny still need additional work. This paper aimed to summarize and explore three main types of crime concentration, including the concentration of criminals, victims, and places. The associated criminological propositions were also applied. It is found that empirical evidence for each type of crime concentration is robust; however, the theoretical interpretation of victim concentration is somewhat underdeveloped. Policies should be based on theoretical foundations, and understanding practical phenomena and the etiology of crime is a primary prerequisite for examining good policies.


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Lee, Y., Eck, E. J., O, S., & Martinez, N. N. (2017). How concentrated is crime at places? A systematic review from 1970 to 2015. Crime Science, 6, 6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40163-017-0069-x
李明謹,〈成年假釋人犯罪生涯及其影響因素之縱貫性研究〉,中央警察大學犯罪防治研究所博士論文,2018 年。
