  • 期刊


Problems with Summons of Participants in Taiwans Criminal Procedure - A Comparison Between the German and Japanese Legal Systems




In order to protect third parties who may be affected by confiscation under the newly reformed Confiscation Act, a new framework of "Special Proceeding of Confiscation"(or third-party participation in confiscation) was introduced under Article 455-12 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in 2015, and a unique procedural status was granted to "participants". However, as to whether and how "participants" should be protected by self-incrimination, it is clear that the legislators have been inconsistent in their statutes and legislative descriptions, and this is reflected in the inappropriateness that participants may be subject to "Court Administrative Penalty" as witnesses in confiscation matters, even though they have similar rights to defendants. In this regard, this article reexamines the German law on which the amendment is based and observes the similar design of the Japanese law. It is clear that the aforementioned problem stems from the confusion of our legislators as to how participants should be protected by self-incrimination, resulting in the legislators making reference to the German and Japanese legal systems, which are practically incompatible with each other. In this regard, it is suggested that the current law should be interpreted and amended.


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