  • 期刊


Legality of Enforcement of Traffic Stop by the Police




This paper aims at exploring the legality of traffic stop of transportation vehicles enforced by the police as well as the restrictions on police authority for traffic stop in terms of protecting people's right to freedom of movement in Germany, Japan, the USA and Taiwan. In this paper, the discussion is divided into individual traffic stop and team traffic stop operations. The former is categorized as non-planning police operation. Depending on existing situations, a police officer determines whether a transportation vehicle is already in jeopardy or prone to cause possible danger based on objective judgments. On the other hand, the latter is a type of planned police operation. According to the Police Power Exercise Act, the police set up check stops at designated locations on the roads. In addition, the police follow the details prescribed in the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act to signal a stop for conducting an alcohol breath test. Legal alcohol breath tests should be designated by Chief of a district precinct or a higher position in charge of this operation. However, during a non-planning operation, it is considered as traffic stop prescribed in the Police Power Exercise Act if a police officer finds objective and reasonable facts showing that a vehicle is already in danger, posing threat to others, zigzagging, sharply braking or driving at abnormal speeds. Traffic violations which are not dangerous or prone to cause danger and harm are simply considered as violations against the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act and the Road Traffic Safety Regulations; and these violations are processed in compliance with the Uniform Punishment Standards for Handling the Matters of Violating Road Traffic Regulations. Therefore, in terms of the laws and regulations applicable to traffic stop, the author argues that "the appearance of transportation vehicles" can serve as a standard to determine the laws and regulations that are applicable. Based on the above statement, three suggestions are made as follows: the police authority over traffic stop should be explicitly incorporated into Article 7 of the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act; the existing police power to report should be listed in the police operation procedures; and the operation procedures of traffic stop should be strengthened in order to ensure police dignity during law enforcement. The above-mentioned is expected to serve as a reference for police practice.


憲法第 23 條
立法院公報處,《立法院公報》,警察職權行使法案,立法院內政委員會編(122),法律案專輯第 335輯,2004 年,頁 3、77。
李震山等,《警察職權行使法逐條釋論》,五南圖書股份有限公司,2020 年,3 版,頁 45-47。
楊忠翰,〈他酒駕拒測還拖行警員,法官因地點沒核准判免罰〉,三立新聞網,〈https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1011414〉,最後瀏覽日:2021 年 10 月 13 日。
臺灣士林地方法院 109 年度交字第 127 號行政訴訟判決
