  • 期刊


Practice Dharma by Running a Buddhist Social Enterprise




Buddhist disciples can be either monks or lays. In order to ensure peace of mind, the Buddha forbids monks from running businesses to make a profit. Lay people are, however, allowed to do so as per the Saṃyukta Āgama Sutta: "People can work as farmers, businessmen, cattlemen, shepherds, carpenters for profit." And "wholesome guys engaged with different types of professions for profit such as farming, business, ruling, writing, painting, or accounting. We call it "accomplishment of skillful means" if one works diligently in whatever profession he/she is engaged with." The businesses that the Buddha allowed lay people to operate are all known as "right livelihood." Businessmen nowadays adopt the capitalist business model and aim at pursuing the maximum profits. They not only fail to take care of their producers, consumers, the disadvantaged ethnic groups, and so on, but also cause severe exploitation. As a Buddhist disciple, it is perhaps one of the best choices to take care of the afore-mentioned groups by incorporating Buddhadharma into the business operations. Taking "Darchen Buddhist Cultural and Social Enterprise" as an example, this article aims to explore on the feasibility of applying the practice of Buddhadharma into the running of a Buddhist social enterprise.
