  • 期刊


Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Process Parameters of Wax Pattern Using Taguchi Method


蠟材原型件可以運用於精密鑄造,因此如何以低成本方式快速客製化製作幾何形狀複雜之蠟材原型件,即變成一個重要研究方向。本研究研製一種低成本、低熔點以及具備韌性之蠟線材,並運用田口方法探討蠟材原型件成形之最適製程參數,研究結論發現最大影響蠟材原型件表面品質的因子為噴嘴擠出量,其次為列印速度,噴嘴溫度以及底板溫度,對於影響列印工件表面之表面品質影響性較低。蠟材原型件成形最適製程參數為噴嘴溫度為64℃、列印速度為60 mm/s、成型底板溫度為40℃以及噴嘴擠出量為100%,本研究成果特色為低溫製程、蠟線材韌性優良以及蠟線材售價便宜。


Wax patterns can be used in precision casting. Developing a low-cost approach to rapid fabrication of customized wax patterns with complex geometry is an important research issue. In this study, a wax filament with low melting point is developed for fabricating wax patterns using additive manufacturing technology. The optimal process parameters of wax pattern were investigated using the Taguchi method. The results show that the most important control factor affecting the form accuracy of the fabricated wax patterns is the flow of nozzle, followed by print speed. The form accuracy of the fabricated wax patterns has the lower impact for the nozzle temperature and bed temperature. The optimal process parameters of the wax patterns using additive manufacturing technology are nozzle temperature of 64℃, print speed of 60 mm/s, bed temperature of 40℃, and flow of nozzle of 100%.
